
I’m a second year astronomy PhD student at the University of Utah. I work with Dr. Gail Zasowski to study the chemistry of stellar populations in order to understand the chemical evolution of the Milky Way. My current research project is focusing on constraining the chemical scatter in open clusters using SDSS-IV APOGEE Data Release 17 data, and soon it will be expanded to use SDSS-V MWM data.


Beyond my research, I currently work as a Graduate Teaching Assistant where I teach PHYS 2020: Electricity and Magnetism with Dr. Kelby Hahn. This is my fourth semester teaching this class, and any course materials I’ve made can be found in Files.


I work as the Social Coordinator for our Graduate Student Advisory Council, where I organize social events within the graduate students in the Physics and Astronomy Department to foster a sense of community. I also work as one of the leaders of PASSAGE, a group focused on improving the experience and inclusion of underrepresented gender minorities in physics and astronomy. PASSAGE is open to both graduate students and undergraduates. Lastly, I serve on the EDGES student committee, where I help plan events and organize events for EDGES fellows.